#!/bin/bash # Are you root? if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[0;31mThis script must be run as root.\033[0m" exit 1 fi ################################################################## # ENV file ################################################################## # Verify the .env file exists if [ ! -f ".env" ]; then echo "Error: The .env file does not exist." exit 1 fi # Load environment variables from .env file set -o allexport source .env set +o allexport ################################################################## # Variables ################################################################## PROJECTNAME=$(basename "$(pwd)") # Joomla Configuration Defaults if [ -z "$JCONFIG_REPORTING" ]; then JCONFIG_REPORTING='none' fi if [ -z "$JCONFIG_TIMEZONE" ]; then JCONFIG_TIMEZONE='America/Vancouver' fi if [ -z "$JCONFIG_SEF" ]; then JCONFIG_SEF=true fi # SMTP ENV CHECK if [ -z "$SMTP_MAILER" ]; then SMTP_MAILER='/usr/sbin/sendmail' fi if [ -z "$SMTP_USER" ]; then SMTP_USER=null fi if [ -z "$SMTP_PASS" ]; then SMTP_PASS=null fi if [ -n "$SMTP_PASS" ]; then SMTP_AUTH=true else SMTP_AUTH=false fi if [ -z "$SMTP_HOST" ]; then SMTP_HOST='mailhog' fi if [ -z "$SMTP_SECURITY" ]; then SMTP_SECURITY='None' fi if [ -z "$SMTP_PORT" ]; then SMTP_PORT=1025 fi # Set configuration.php docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set error_reporting="${JCONFIG_REPORTING}" docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set offset="${JCONFIG_TIMEZONE}" docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set sef_rewrite="${JCONFIG_SEF}" #SMTP docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set mailer=smtp docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set sendmail="${SMTP_MAILER}" docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set smtpuser="${SMTP_USER}" docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set smtppass="${SMTP_PASS}" docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set smtpauth="${SMTP_AUTH}" docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set smtphost="${SMTP_HOST}" docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set smtpsecure="${SMTP_SECURITY}" docker-compose exec -u www-data joomla php cli/joomla.php config:set smtpport="${SMTP_PORT}" # Remove uneeded Joomla files rm -f html/web.config.txt rm -f html/htaccess.txt rm -f html/LICENSE.txt rm -f html/README.txt # Remove Install helper scripts rm -rf bin/inc_new_project rm -rf bin/joomla_new_project.sh rm -rf bin/joomla_install.sh rm -rf bin/install_extensions.sh rm $0 echo "Now check the results and commit them to Git"