9 Quick Start
Nick Yeoman edited this page 2023-12-19 13:18:11 -08:00

Getting Started, Quick Installation

These are the quick start Joomla installation instructions.

Make sure the projectName is set correctly, it's very important, because it's used for git, docker, mysql and joomla.

# STEP 1 - Setup Files
# Clone the repo (change "YourProjectName" to the name of your project)
# Context: I like to name my projects by domain, example: www-4lt-ca
# We then generate a env file based on the project name
export PROJECTNAME='YourProjectName'
git clone git@git.4lt.ca:nick/joomla.git $PROJECTNAME;  cd $PROJECTNAME; bash bin/generate_env.sh $PROJECTNAME

# now ensure that the .env file is to your preferences
# if you are using GITEA and want to auto create the repo, add your GITEA API information to the env file

# STEP 2 - Git work
# Removes Joomla git info that you cloned. Sets up a new repo. If you have set gitea api, creates private repo on remote.
bash bin/joomla_new_project.sh

# STEP 3
# Run the containers to initialize 
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.staging.yml up -d

# STEP 4
# Run the Joomla cli installer (Gotcha: wait until Joomla is up by checking http://localhost:8000/)
sudo bash bin/joomla_install.sh

# Manually set Site Meta Description in [Administrator](http://localhost:8000/administrator/index.php?option=com_config)

# Step 5
# Install Components and run clean up
sudo bash bin/install_extensions.sh; sudo bash bin/joomla_cleanup.sh